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Professor of Computer Systems Engineering and Bioinformatics
Legal Advisor, Birland
ουσ χαιρετίσματα, ουσ. χαιρετισμός,
ש"ע) ברכות; איחולים. (ש"ע) ברכה; דרישת שלום; פנייה במכתב)

Esomu, Ubioku and Edewors.

Professor SOLOMON EDIRIVERERE ESOMU Ph.D, Post Ph.D, DBA, DrAPO, JP, Venerable,


Professor of Computer Systems Engineering and Bioinformatics

Part Time Lecturer & Facilitator, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Wuse II, Abuja ... http://facilitators.nounacademics.net/content/dr-solomon-ediriverere-esomu

Adjust Lecturer, Ballsbridge University, Republic of Dominica

Falculty Coordinator, University of Brazil, Campinas.


Visiting Professor, Rudolph Kwanue University, Liberia

Resource Person: National Defence College, Nigeria ... 2019

Resource Person: Edo university, Iyamho, Edo Estate, Nigeria ... 2019

Resource Person: Central Bank Of Nigeria Training Institute, Abuja … July, 2021

Visiting Lecturer and University Senate member, POMA, Republic of Benin

Adjunct Lecturer, Bishop Crowther College of Theology, Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria

Advisor To Birland Country Government ... http://www.esomu.faithweb.com/custom3.html

Team of Supreme Court Judges, United Republic of Delvin

Advisory Council member, Board of Quality Standard ... http://www.b-ac.info/advisory-council.html

Church Of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Diocese Of Kubwa, Abuja, FCT  

 (Theologian/Information Technology Engineer/College of Chaplains/Year of Ordination - 2009



 Secondary School: House Captain, Scripture Union Nigeria. Undergraduate: Served as a student Pastor, Bible Study secretary/Church service Coordinator in School Chapel.

NYSC: Church Band-Crowder Chapel, Lokoja, Evangelical group. Ughelli Diocese: AYF Bible study secretary, President (Unit/Diocese), Hosted National Conference of

AYF in Ughelli Diocese in 2003 and as Diocesan Youth Chaplain in 2016. Altar Server: (All Saint’ Cathedral Ughelli, Delta State, St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Maitama, Abuja).

Verger:St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Maitama, Abuja, Ord., Church of Pentecost, Zonkwa, Kaduna and Later All Saints’ Anglican Church, Guida, Kubwa, Deacon,

Christ Anglican Church Karmo, Priest, St. Andrew's Anglican Church, 2/1, Cathedral Church of St. Bartholonew, 2/2, Kubwa, Abuja, St. Barnabas' Anglican Church, Byazhin,

St. Peter Anglican Church, Kurudu, Abuja, All Souls' Anglican Church, AMAC Estate, Abuja, Supervisory Priest, Lugbe East Archdeaconry, Emmanuel Anglican Church Vicar

and Dutse Archdeaconry Supervisory Priest, Chaplain, Mothers' Union and Women Guild.




·     Nationality:   Nigerian – Delta State - Ewhu ·   Date of birth:   3rd of March, 1970 ·   Sex:  Male; married with five Children - Jane (600 level MBBS Students

of University of Benin, Edo State), Dave (400 level Student of Sociology, Bingham University), Yvonne (SSSIII, Divine Love College), Angel (Anglican Girls Grammer

School, Abuja, JSS3) & Paul (Pri 3) · Spouse: Princess Emamoke Ufuoma Esomu. BSc Physics, Pgd Edu, MSc Sc Edu, Pgd EEE  

·  Postal Address: Bishop’s Court, 2/1, Kubwa, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.  · CHURCH ASSIGNMENT:  St. Barnabas Parish Priest, Byazhin, 

Nov, 2011, Kubwu, Diocese Abuja  - VICAR.  DIVCCON Office, Episcopal House, 2011, Wuse, Zone 5, Abuja. Head, Information and

Communication Technology - 2010, Bishop’s office, Kubwa, Abuja. ·  Lecturer, Diocesan Training Centre, Kubwa, Abuja - 2009,

Dean - Faculty of Engineering, Poma Business University, Vicar - All Souls' Anglican Church, AMAC Estate, Abuja, FCT - 2016.   


EXPERIENCE ·         Bible Study, Altar Server, Youth work, Verger, Evangelism, Pastoral work: All Saints' Church, Guida, Christ Church Karmo, St. Andrew’s

Church, St. Bartholomew’s Cathedral, St. Barnabas, St. Peters' kurudu, All Souls' AMAC Estate, Emmanuel Anglican Church, Dutse, St. Peter's Anglican Church, 

Kurudu, Abuja, Lecturing.


Academics: Ph.D in Theology (Biblical Study), IIC University, Cambodia, Post Graduate Certificate in Business Intellegence & Analysis, 

IIC University, CambodiaPh.D in Computer Science (Medical Informatics), Babcock University, 2021, The Data Science of Health Informatics,  

Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine (Bloomberg School of Public Health), 2020, Mechanical Ventilation, Harvard University Medical School,

Post Graduate Certificate (Continious Education), 2020, Doctor of Business Administration, Merilyn Business School,

New Mexico (2018), Post Ph.D in Bioinformatics, University of San Juan De La Cruz University, Costa Rica - 2017, 

Ph.D in Computer Engineering, UNEM, Costa Rica - 2014, LLB (Law) 2022, POMA University. Dr. of Apologetics, TGSAT, India-2014. M.DIV/Ma. CRS-2012/2019,

Theological College of Northern Nigeria, Bukuru/University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria/Poma University, Republic of Benin. MSc Informatics-2011,

Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, BTH, Sweden. Diploma in Lay Ministry-2011, Diocesan Training Centre - DTC,

Diocese of Abuja. Certificate in Classical Hebrews-2010, Israel. M.IT, Master in Information Technology-2010, Department of Computer Science

and Computer Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho. B. Eng. Electrical/Electronics Engineering-2001, 

University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State. ND/HND Electrical/Electronics Engineering-1991/1994. Institute of Management and Technology

Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria, Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. West African School

Certificate (WASC)-1987, Government College, Ughelli, Delta Sate, Nigeria. West African School Certificate (WASC)-1988, Ibru College, Agbarha-Otor,

Ughelli, Delta State, Nigeria. Primary School (PSLC)-1982, Iwhreko Primary School, Ughelli, Delta State, Nigeria.



1. Babcock University, Nigeria, Computer Science ( Medical Informatics)

2. IIC University, Cambodia 

3. Ballsbridge University, Dominica Republic

4. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Bloomberg School of Public Health), United States

5. Harvard University Medical School, Post Graduate Certificate (Continious Education), United States

6. Merilyn Business School, New Mexico

7. University of San Juan De La Cruz University, Costa Rica

8. Business University of Costa Rica

9. Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology, India

10. Theological College of Northern Nigeria, Bukuru/University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

11. Crowther Graduate Theological Seminary, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

12. Bishop Crowther Theological College, Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria

13. Poma University, Republic of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria

14. Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

15. Israel Institute of Biblical Studies/Hebrew University of Jeruselem

16. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

17. University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria

18. Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria 

19. Institute of Management & Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria

20. Government College, Ughelli, Delta State & Ibru College, Agbarah Otor, Delta State, Nigeria

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord



Bioinformatics   is a branch of biological science, computational medicine and medical engineering which deals with the study of methods for storing, retrieving and analyzing biological data, such as nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) and protein sequence, structure, function, pathways and genetic interactions. It generates new knowledge that is useful in such fields as drug design and development of new software tools to create that knowledge. Bioinformatics also deals with algorithms, databases and information systems, web technologies, artificial intelligence and soft computing, information and computation theory, structural biology, software engineering, data mining, image processing, modeling and simulation, discrete mathematics, control and system theory, circuit theory, and statistics. Commonly used software tools and technologies in this field include: Java, XML, Perl, C, C++, Python, R, MySQL, SQL, CUDA, MATLAB, and Microsoft Excel.
Apologetics (Greek: πολογßα, "verbal defence, speech in defence") is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the systematic use of information. One of these fields is Christian apologetics, which aims to present a rational basis for the Christian faith, defending the faith against objections.Christian apologetics  started with people like Paul the Apostle in the early church to  Patristic writers such as Origen, Augustine of Hippo, Justin Martyr and Tertullian, to writers such as Thomas Aquinas and Anselm of Canterbury during Scholasticism. Blaise Pascal came up before and during the Age of Enlightenment, to modern days with people like G. K. Chesterton and C. S. Lewis. Further to this, in contemporary times Christianity has been defended through the work of figures such as Doug Wilson, Alvin Plantinga, James White and William Lane Craig.Today, we have lots of notable Apologists defending Christianity in various level with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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Roseline Ubioku,Vincent Edewor,Very Rev. M.E.Dadi.

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If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write to us at Bishops' Court, St. Andrew's Anglican Church Compound, 2/1, Kubwa, Abuja, FCT. +2348036879145, esomu1@gmail.com

Remain Blessed.


The Ven Solomon Ediriverere Esomu Ph.D